Hope Animal Network's first
"Tiger Team" meet-up is scheduled for Saturday, November 15th at 5 pm at La Mision in Old Town. La Mision is located at 2415 San Diego Avenue.
This in-person meet-up was formed to assist and direct the efforts of the newly formed Hope Animal Network.
The basic premise is that if we can leverage a multi-pronged effort to significantly grow the numbers and use of this online community, we can then focus on the very real opportunity to generate revenue for organizations and initiatives that advance animal welfare in Mexico. Easy, right?
Although this is an in-person event, we will convene a parallel "online tiger team" so geographically dispersed individuals can also participate. Please contact Shawn Santos at shawn at shawnsantos dot com for more info.
Collaborate with animal welfare professionals, organizations, charities, volunteers and like-minded individuals to advance the welfare of animals in Mexico. The condition of cats and dogs in Mexico is nothing short of desperate. Together, we can start to make a difference.